Variegated Variegated Peperomia Baby Rubber Plant

Best time to prune propagate a peperomia obtusifolia.
Variegated variegated peperomia baby rubber plant. Spring summer are the best times. You may want to experiment and try a few leaves and stem tips to see what propagation method works best for you. There are many d. Viola the post pruning result.
Peperomia variegata is an attractive variegated version of the baby rubber plant with all of the same cherished characteristics plus an added advantage. It is a popular peperomia species in the family. This post and video about pruning and propagating applies not only to the solid dark green leafed peperomia obtusifolia but also to all the variegated forms of this plant also. A lot of people s first foray into growing peperomia may have been with a peperomia obtusifolia as it s a common one to find in the market.
I ve already done a post and video on peperomia care all of them that i ve grown have been easy but wanted to do one dedicated solely to this succulent like beauty. This is all about how to grow and care for a peperomia obtusifolia. Peperomia obtusifolia variegata is the most popular ornamental herbaceous indoor house plant. I would allow leaves or stem tip cuttings a day to dry out until planted.
Buss getty images the rubber tree is capable of growing 100 feet tall while the baby rubber plant will grow happily in a pot for its entire life cycle. Learn how to care for the peperomia green or baby rubber plant. The baby rubber plant can also propagate with leaf cuttings although variegated types may lose the variegation. Too much shade can cause the leaves to lose their lovely cream marbling.
Rubber plants are in the fig ficus genus while peperomia plants are their own genus with hundreds of species. It has fleshy glossy round to oval shaped variegated leaves. Multiple shades of dark green olive green and a lovely creamy white. It is a bushy upright plant with thick stems and fleshy glossy cupped leaves.
The multicoloured leaves of the peperomia obtusifolia variegata come in shades of dark green olive green and creamy white. The baby rubber plant with its thick glossy green leaves is just what you ve been looking for. Peperomia obtusifolia variegata pep er roh mee uh ob too sih foh lee uh var ee gay tuh is a handsome variegated variety of the baby rubber plant.