Water Softener Regeneration Calculator

The water contains 118 ppm of total hardness and the softener has 6 ft 3 of resin that is regenerated using 15 lbs of salt per ft 3.
Water softener regeneration calculator. Softener tank width in inches. To get 10 solution add 3440 liter of water now 3784 liter is having for regeneration and that much of water to be injected 20 minute then start backwash process to another 40 minute after that fast rinse until get hardness is 5 ppm once it is reached now the plant is ready to start the process it can extract up to 100 m3. Regeneration is when the resin is cleaned and it is a very important part of the process within a water softener. The softener capacity is calculated in three simple steps.
In fact one of the key ways to tell something s gone wrong with your water softener is to look for an unusual regeneration schedule. Regeneration is a key part of a water softener s function. Enter the height and width of your exisitng water softener. This provides 1729 grains of softening per pound of salt 32 000 18 5.
Each calculation is followed by an example using this information. Multiply the answer by your water hardness in grains per gallon to convert mg l or ppm to grains divide by 17 1. Multiply the number of people in your family times 70 gallons of water used per day national average. Recommendations are designed to regenerate the resin at 80 per cent capacity of the resin so the number of gallons of water that are available before regeneration is given by water softener grains capacity x 80 adjusted total hardness in grains 48 000 x 0 8 1 93 19 896 gallons.
For example a one cubic foot softener has a peak capacity of 32 000 grains at a salt setting of 18 5 lbs. See softener regeneration with salt saver dosages tb4 006. Convert water hardness. This calculator will give you all the information you need to set up a timer or meter based water softener.
The timed controller triggers regeneration at a specific time during the day regardless of the water volume that has passed the softener. You can program this for a capacity of 24 000 grains at a salt setting of 8 5 lbs. Choose a city or enter your water hardness the number of people living in the home. Calculate the approximate size of water softener you would need using this online calculator.
This is the portion of the tank that works to keep your water soft and it needs the salt to keep it clean. The calculator will give you a n estimate of size of softener in grains.